Movie poster In My Death I Ask Blame Klava K.

In My Death I Ask Blame Klava K.


1 hour 16 minutes


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Klava and Seryozha (Sergey) have been together since preschool. He, one of the smartest kids in school, has always been in love with her but considered her more of just a pretty face rather than an intelligent person. He let her copy his homework and gave her his parents' things as gifts. When they are teens, Klava rejects his love because she knows that he doesn't value her for her, and instead is attracted to Lavrik, another intelligent boy from school. Klava likes him because for the first time she feels like someone is really interested in her as a person. Seryoszha, being very dramatic and wanting Klava's/everyone else's sympathy, writes a suicide note, "Please blame Klava K. for my death," but can he really commit suicide? Eventually he realizes that he is being too shallow and that while he makes such a drama out of such small problems, the people around him have real problems, but never said a thing.

Original title
In My Death I Ask Blame Klava K.
Nikolaj Lebedew, Jernest Yasan
Vladimir Shewel'kow, Nadezhda Gorshkowa, Elena Hopshonosowa, Ol'ga Ozereckowskaq, Maxim Yasan, Vladimir Sidorow, Andrej Musatow, Lübow' Polischuk, Viktor Kosteckij, Valentina Panina
, Veniamin Smehow, Ol'ga Volkowa, Lübow' Malinowskaq, Natal'q Zhurawlewa, Larisa Negreewa, Oleg Efremow, Larisa Udowichenko, Alexandr Anisimow, Lübow' Tischenko, Anton Granat, Е. Кривошеев
1 hour 16 minutes
Year of production
Recommended watching after 6 years
Mihail L'wowskij
Audio tracks