More on the movie «Around Football»
This movie is about soccer hooligans, the most aggressive and violent soccer aficionados. They are an exclusive group, the elite of all soccer fans. Whoever they may be in their everyday lives—college students, bankers, musicians, or car mechanics—they are a “firm.” It’s easy to get into a firm, but once you’re in, it’s for life. There’s no going back. The movie is based on actual events
Original title
Around Football
Anton Bormatow
Alexandr Ratnikow, Iwan Fominow, Grigorij Iwanec, Pawel Erlykow, Dar'q Mingazetdinowa, Juliq Man'kowskaq, Ewgenij Berezin, Nikita Kukushkin, Sergej Shnyrew, Maxim BelborodowHide
, Vladimir Kolosow, Valerij Barinow, Elena Simonowa, Acamaz Bajkulow, Stanislaw Lesnoj, Egor Bakulin, Igor' Grinqkin, Alexej Chugreew, Maxim Antipow, Sergej Zharkow, Timur Efremenkow, Andrej Filippak, Vasilij Stepanow, Vladimir Carulkow, Igor' Nowoselow
1 hour 31 minutes
Year of production
Recommended watching after 16 years