More on the movie «The Gift»
Tolya Sidorov is a simple worker of early retirement age from some remote place in Russia. Unexpectedly he discovers his artistic talent and becomes a sensation in the world of modern art. And all this because the creation of his masterpieces happens at a very intimate moment... The fame of the unusual artist spreads across the Internet, and even experts from Moscow come to visit an exhibition of Anatoly’s urinary painting. And like in the Russian fairy tale, the hero is miraculously showered with recognition and money. But Tolya prefers to stay incognito, trying to understand whether his work is real art. And the men from the factory would laugh at him if they found out.
Original title
The Gift
Mihail Kukushkin
Alexej Kolubkow, Jurij Oborotow, Vladimir Karpuk, Valeriq Dergilewa, Swetlana Bobkina, Ewgenij Zelenow, Ul'qna Glushkowa, Alöna Konstantinowa, Viktoriq Pqtakina, Dmitrij PugachHide
, Ewgenij Saranchew, Valerij Luschewskij, Iwan Tokarew, Mihail Kulikow, Mihail Milowanow, Anton Hawari, Juliq Volkowa, Nikolaj Zazulq, Anna Maximowa, Sofiq Zolotarewa, Руфат Низамов, Сергей Лучко, Вячеслав Воронов, Дмитрий Овчинников, Евгений Шмелев
1 hour 30 minutes
Year of production
Recommended watching after 18 years
Andrej Nowikow, Mihail KukushkinHide
, Alexandr Kotelewskij, Varwara Kotelewskaq, Roman Pripadchew, Roman Karimow, German Sidakow, Nelq Pol'nikowa
Audio tracks
SD (480p), HD (720p), Full HD (1080p)