More on the movie «Bummer 2»
The film takes place a few years after the events shown in Bummer. Kostyan "Kot", who lost all his friends, the woman he loved and was nearly killed in the first installment of the film tries to begin a new, peaceful life. But is it possible to do? Has Russia changed and do "bratki" on black "bummers" no longer control business? Can he escape his past?
Original title
Bummer 2
Petr Buslow
Vladimir Vdowichenkow, Andrej Merzlikin, Swetlana Ustinowa, Nikolaj Olqlin, Alexandr Curkan, Felix Antipow, Jurij Kolokol'nikow, Anna Churina, Alexandr Golubew, Konstantin Strel'nikowHide
, Anatolij Koscheew, Denis Kirillow, Vladimir Zherebcow, Oleg Protasow, Igor' Artashonow, Dmitrij Persin, Lübow' Omel'chenko, Vqcheslaw Kulakow, Al'bina Tihanowa, Oleg Vasil'kow, Сергей Лобынцев, Alexej Mal'kow, Alexandr Karpuhow, Vladislaw Abashin, Дмитрий Шиляев
1 hour 50 minutes
Year of production
Recommended watching after 18 years